1、压载水处理系统是处理从海中排放的压载水的装置。也称为压载水管理系统,简称 BWMS。
2. 压载水处理达到或超过《国际压载水及其沉积物管理与控制公约》第 D-2 条规定的压载水性能标准的任何系统。压载水管理系统包括压载水处理设备、所有相关控制设备、监测设备和采样设施。
压载是船舶航行中不可避免的状态。当船舶添加压载水时,海水生物也被添加到压载舱中,直到到达目的地海域的航程结束。压载水跟随船只从一个地方到另一个地方,导致有害的水生生物和病原体的传播。不受控制的压载水排放可能会对海洋生态系统、社会经济和公共卫生造成危害。全球环境基金 (GEF) 已将船舶压载水引起的外来入侵物种列为四大海洋危害之一。
为了有效控制有害水生生物和病原体在船舶压载水中传播,国际海事组织 (IMO) 于 2004 年通过了《船舶压载水和沉积物控制和管理国际公约》。自 2009 年以来,该公约要求所有新船安装压载水处理装置,并追溯应用于现有船舶。该公约规定了压载水处理的标准,即处理水中活生物体的类型和数量(D-2 标准)。
由于船舶压载水排放给海洋生态,对公众健康造成严重危害,2004 年,国际海事组织 (IMO) 根据国际船舶压载水和泥沙控制和管理公约,防止外来物种的入侵,造成船舶压载水排放造成的病原体传播财产和资源, 人类健康和环境损害。该公约规定,新船必须配备 2009 年起的压载水处理设备和追溯性现有船舶,并且到 2017 年,所有远洋船舶都必须配备压载水处理设备。否则,在公约生效后,他们将无法进入 IMO 成员国的港口,违反公约的人将面临制裁和处罚。随着《压载水公约》的生效日期,世界各国都在加紧研发船舶压载水处理技术。截至目前,国外研发机构已有30余家,其中13家已获得IMO的初步批准,其中瑞典、德国、韩国和挪威已获得最终批准。
中国现在拥有一支庞大的船队,占世界总吨位的 3.4%。中国也是造修船舶大国,船舶关键设备市场巨大。同时,国际市场也蕴藏着巨大的潜力。
所谓的 D-1 标准代表了实施压载水管理公约的第一个过渡阶段。在此阶段,所有未配备合规压载水处理系统的船舶将被要求在超出公约规定距离的深海中使用几种经批准的方法之一交换船舶的压载水。
《压载水公约》要求船舶排放处理过的压载水以满足 D2 标准,D2 标准的生效并不取决于公约的生效。这是因为,虽然公约的生效日期不确定,但公约中 D2 标准的生效日期对所有类型的船舶都是明确的,并且该规定具有追溯力,这意味着船舶必须安装符合 D2 标准的压载水管理系统, 无论《公约》是否有效,也无论其是否为缔约国。所以船舶,尤其是新建船舶,在设计船舶时必须考虑这个要求。目前的问题是没有足够的压载水管理系统来满足所有船舶的需求,因此 D2 首次生效日期的推迟是不可避免的。2007 年举行的 IMO 第 25 次会议第 A.1005 (25) 号决议解决了 2009 年建造的船舶的问题,将 D2 标准的适用日期推迟到 2011 年 12 月 31 日,但 2010 年或之后建造的船舶和现有船舶的适用日期将由 2009 年召开的 MEPC(59) 决定。
船东和船舶管理者下一步是再次查看每艘船舶的国际油污预防证书 (IOPP) 何时更新。2017 年 9 月 8 日之后,国际石油污染预防证书将首先为每艘船舶设定安装压载水处理系统的最后期限。这是公约的第二阶段,其中 D-2 标准规定了特定的压载水处理方案。压载水处理系统的有效性是根据处理后的压载水中活有机物的最大允许量进行评估的:每立方米水中不超过 10 个大于 50 微米的活有机物,每毫升水不超过 10 个 10 至 50 微米的活有机物。《压载水管理公约》还列出了几种指示微生物和更广泛的安全要求。该公约涵盖的所有船舶都必须在 2024 年 9 月 8 日之前达到 D-2 标准。
所有没有型式认可压载水处理系统 (BWTS) 的在役船舶必须根据 IOPP 证书更新日期进行改造。可用的压载水处理系统有很多,但它们都有其优点和缺点,我们应该根据船舶的具体特性进行选择。同时,应尽快将船舶改装的有关文件送交船级社进行图纸审批。根据 D-2 标准,船舶必须携带经批准的监管机构颁发的压载水处理系统的型式认可证书、经批准的技术文件、处理系统操作手册以及初检出具的国际压载水管理证书,以表明船舶符合 D-2 标准。
2017 年 9 月 8 日之后建造的船舶将被要求安装压载水处理系统。在该日期之前新建的船舶,如果未安装,也需要在规定的时间内进行相应的改装。
由于船舶舱位、管道布局等因素的限制,现有船舶在安装压载水管理系统时,对压载水处理技术和管理系统的选择受到限制。根据不同时期应达到D2标准的船舶数量统计结果,在不同时期需要安装压载水处理系统的船舶数量是一定数量的。特别是在 2012 年至 2016 年期间,现有船舶需要满足 D2 标准,安装压载水处理系统的船舶数量将迅速增加。根据目前已获批的压载水处理技术的发展情况和处理系统的现状,全球生产能力已不能满足日益增长的需求,而将安装在船舶上的压载水处理系统需要在大型船厂由大批专业技术人员完成,那么就会出现人力物力的短缺。
由于船舶舱位、管道布局等因素的限制,现有船舶在安装压载水管理系统时,对压载水处理技术和管理系统的选择受到限制。根据不同时期应达到D2标准的船舶数量统计结果,在不同时期需要安装压载水处理系统的船舶数量是一定数量的。特别是在 2012 年至 2016 年期间,现有船舶需要满足 D2 标准,安装压载水处理系统的船舶数量将迅速增加。根据目前已获批的压载水处理技术的发展情况和处理系统的现状,全球生产能力已不能满足日益增长的需求,而将安装在船舶上的压载水处理系统需要在大型船厂由大批专业技术人员完成,那么就会出现人力物力的短缺。
Scope of application
Strengths and Weaknesses
Scope of application
Strengths and Weaknesses
Scope of application
Strengths and Weaknesses
压载水处理系统的选择涉及广泛的领域。一方面,对于具体的船舶来说,直接或间接关系到船舶的运行特性、压载水处理的要求、可安排处理设备的房间空间、压载舱的总容量、压载泵的排量、电源以及船舶其他系统的协调和运行要求。另一方面,就压载水处理系统而言,压载水处理技术作为一种新产品,正在开发中。尽管一些压载水处理系统已经投入使用,但迄今为止获得的经验是有限的。每种处理系统都有自己的特点。如采用电解法处理水处理装置时没有处理功率,对于使用紫外线装置的浊度法压载水处理能力有限,有的处理系统体积太大,有的处理系统耗电量太大,在装卸过程中采用过滤、分离和紫外线法, 和最大的规模选择镇流系统流量;相比之下,通常使用化学消毒剂和脱氧方法来在压载舱中达到一定的浓度。在这些系统中,泵流量的影响不是那么大,主要是让压载水在水箱中长时间保持,以达到预期的压滤率。这种方法可能不适用于短途航行船舶。
(1) Characteristics of the ship;
(2) Characteristics of the treatment system;
(3) Layout and maintenance.
ship characteristics
(1) In most cases, the type of vessel will be the determining factor in selecting the appropriate treatment system. The ballast capacity and the flow rate of the ballast pump of different types of ships vary greatly, and the total ballast capacity of ships, the amount of ballast water discharge and loading required by any port also vary greatly. Some ship types are highly dependent on ballast water, such as oil tankers and bulk carriers; Some ships have low dependence on ballast water, such as container ships. Ships WITH HIGH BALLAST DEPENDENCE USUALLY REQUIRE FULL BALLAST sailing AT NO LOAD (NO CARGO), and their ballast pumps are usually designed to pump in or out all ballast water within a certain period of time to accommodate fast port turnover times. Ships WITH LOW BALLAST DEPENDENCE, WHICH USUALLY HAVE RELATIVELY SMALL BALLAST CAPACITY and RARELY MAKE a FULL BALLAST VOYAGE (without cargo), HAVE VERY LIMITED BALLAST WATER OPERATIONS and tend TO barge, for example, from ONE TANK TO another, adjust TRIM and roll, without HAVING TO pour IN or DRAIN ALL BALLAST WATER IN a certain PERIOD of time.
(2) Some ships may include 2 or more ballast systems. For example, some oil tankers often have two ballast systems, one in the cargo area (hazardous area) and one in the engine room area (safe area); Some ships also use eductors to discharge residual ballast water. The selection of the ballast water treatment system for the dangerous area should consider the danger level of the place where it is located, usually requiring the consideration of fire and explosion protection; A ballast water treatment system requiring post-treatment may not be suitable for vessels equipped with ejectors to discharge residual ballast water.
Shipping routes
(2) The effect of water turbidity, salinity and sediment content on the efficacy or maintenance of some treatment technologies. If there is a high sediment content in the water at a frequent berthing port, the influence of turbidity and sediment on the treatment system should be considered when selecting the treatment plant. If the port is often berthing at inland river ports or ports with low salinity, the influence of salinity on the treatment system should be considered when selecting the treatment equipment.
(3) The effect of sediment (silt) in the ballast tank also needs to be considered. Since the silt itself contains invasive species that can contaminate the incoming ballast water, this may result in the treatment of the ballast water as it enters or is discharged. Ballast water treatment systems that require post-treatment are usually not suitable for ships that use gravity to discharge ballast water. Treatment system features
1. The certificate requires that the ballast water treatment system should hold the necessary certificate. In accordance with Article D-3 of the Rules of the Convention, all ballast water treatment systems used for compliance with this Convention must be approved by the competent authority. Ballast water treatment systems using active substances shall also be approved by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) according to its procedures. For example, for systems using mechanical and/or physical methods (without active substances), a type approval certificate issued by the competent authority should be held; For ballast water treatment SYSTEMS using active substance technology (chemical treatment method), in addition to THE TYPE APPROVAL certificate issued by the competent authority, basic approval and final approval by IMO should be obtained.
2. Processing technology Each ballast water treatment system has its own basic characteristics which may have an impact on the particular type of vessel, route or ballast flow, and therefore on the suitability of the treatment system. The basic treatment methods and techniques can be divided into:
• Mechanical method (filtration or separation)
• Physical disinfection (UV irradiation, cavitation, deoxygenation, etc.)
• Chemical treatments (antimicrobials and agents)
Each technology has its own characteristics that can affect its suitability for a particular vessel. Most processing systems adopt a combination of the above techniques to overcome the disadvantages of a particular technique.
(1) mechanical method The system requires that the entire ballast flow be passed through a filter, spinner or other separator. In the case of high flow ballast water, the size of the equipment can be a problem. If the equipment is used when ballast water is discharged, a large amount of leachate must be retained in the vessel, which will increase the storage burden.
(2) Physical disinfection method Uv treatment is usually performed when ballast water is injected and discharged, and its effectiveness is affected by the turbidity of the water, which affects the ability of light to penetrate. Deoxygenation MAY TAKE SEVERAL DAYS TO ENSURE A KILL rate FOR aquatic organisms, and the ballast tanks must have a closed ventilation system and be completely inert.
(3) Chemical treatment The dosage should be suitable, usually within a few hours to achieve the killing rate of organisms in the water, but the ballast water discharge may still have excess drug residue, so it is usually necessary to neutralize the drug in the water to ensure that the discharge is environmentally sound. In addition, if the concentration of drugs in the ballast tank is too high, it may corrode the ballast bulkhead.
3. Size of processing system Usually, the processing capacity of the treatment system should be equal to or slightly greater than the maximum flow rate of the ballast pump, and the processing capacity of the treatment system directly determines the size of the treatment system. The shape and size of different treatment systems vary greatly, and some treatment systems require the installation of feeder lines from the ship's ballast line, which can have an impact even greater than the installation of the treatment system itself. For new ships, the layout of the treatment system can be considered in the design phase. For existing ships, the installation of the system will be a challenge due to the limited space. The spatial dimensions of different processing systems are given in Appendix 1 for reference. In addition, consideration should be given to providing suitable maintenance access to the installed treatment system, including ladders, platforms, lighting, crane tracks, lifting eyes and areas for cleaning internal components and storage and disposal of consumables, fire protection and ventilation systems as required for the premises (which may also be outside the engine room).
4. Ability of processing system Usually, when the ballast water treatment system is selected, it is necessary to ensure that it can deal with the maximum ballast water flow. However, from the perspective of reducing the cost of purchase, operation and maintenance of the ballast water treatment system, for some ships with low ballast dependence, the system with relatively small treatment capacity can be selected.
5. Handle the pressure drop of the system The installation of some ballast water treatment systems can result in a decrease in ballast water flow and pressure. For example, some automatic washing filters or spinners may lose about 10% of the indenter when removing the filter; With a treatment system that uses UV sterilization technology, the ballast water will pass through the treatment system and the back pressure will increase, which will affect the flow rate of the pump. Therefore, the operation time of the ballast will be prolonged and more power will be consumed. Therefore, when selecting the treatment system, necessary consideration should be given to the possible pressure drop during the use of the system.
6. processing system power When selecting a ballast water treatment system, the power consumption of the system should be considered, especially for existing vessels. The additional power requirement is a major constraint factor for the system selection. Some processing systems are very powerful, such as UV systems. Some existing ships will not be able to withstand the extra power consumption, and high-power equipment will also increase operating costs. Therefore, when selecting the system, the power margin of the ship's power station should be estimated in advance to confirm that the existing generating equipment can meet the additional power requirements.
7. protection grade and explosion-proof The PROTECTION CLASS (IP CLASS) AND FIRE RATING OF THE handling DEVICE and the materials used SHALL meet the requirements of the Classification Society for its installation on the ship. Special attention should be paid to the explosion-proof requirements of the equipment when the treatment system is installed in dangerous places. For example, the equipment installed in the cargo pump room must be qualified explosion-proof electrical equipment, but there is no explosion-proof grade requirement for the equipment installed in the engine room. According TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION OF Section 4, Chapter 1, CODE FOR Classification of Steel Seaward SHIPS, China Classification Society (CCS), the ELECTRICAL equipment supporting ballast water treatment system shall have an appropriate enclosure protection type, which shall be suitable for the place of installation. For oil tanker, liquid cargo ship and other vessels carrying dangerous goods, when installing ballast water treatment devices, relevant explosion-proof requirements should be paid attention to. If installed in a dangerous area, the electrical equipment in the system should adopt the appropriate type of explosion-proof.
Layout and maintenance
1. Ship information To assess the installation position of treatment devices on a ship, especially on an existing ship, the spatial location of equipment and systems that can be installed on the ship (e.g., engineroom layout, pump room layout, ship layout, etc.) and the configuration of the ship's ballast water system (e.g., ballast piping plan) should be known; The information shown in the diagram may directly affect the installation position of the device and the configuration requirements of the system, facilitating the smooth installation of the system.
2. Share with the existing ballast system In the system selection and arrangement of the existing ship, it should also be considered that the ballast water treatment system can share the existing ballast system as much as possible, so that the system can be well combined with the existing ballast water system, so as to simplify the refit of the system and facilitate the subsequent maintenance. 3, sampling The INSTALLATION OF SAMPLING DEVICES SHALL BE PRECONSIDERED IN THE SYSTEM LAYOUT FOR PURPOSES such AS inspection BY AUTHORIZED MANAGERS OF THE PORT STATE OR competent AUTHORITY to confirm compliance WITH the BALLAST WATER CONVENTION D2 DISCHARGE standards. The SAMPLING LOCATION AND sampling device arrangement shall comply with the relevant requirements of IMO Ballast Water Sampling Guideline (G2). 4. Control and monitoring In general, a remote control board should be set near the ballast system control board for all processing systems, or the control board can be combined in the ballast system control board. The remote control board usually includes on/off controls for the handling system, valves, and system operating status indicators. Most processing systems provide a main control panel near the equipment to facilitate off-site operation and monitoring of system performance. Shipowners may request that control, alarm and monitoring systems be combined to facilitate management. 5. Maintenance When selecting a ballast water treatment system, subsequent maintenance requirements should be taken into account. As a newly developed technology, the reliability of ballast water dispensing systems is often indicated by the complexity of the systems, such as filters, UV lamp areas, chemical delivery systems, routine maintenance of the treatment systems by the crew, and chlorine and other chemical generation systems. Usually constitute a complex processing system, its reliability will be relatively affected. The system with good reliability and low maintenance requirements can not only reduce the crew's maintenance burden, but also reduce the system maintenance cost.