Procedure for Ballast Pump:
- Open control air.
- Ensure K01, K02, HV001, BW03 are open, and related ballast tanks.
- Open TRO1 air valve and sample valve K51 (ballast tanks, aft peak tank).
- Start the ballast water treatment system, wait for successful system startup, then proceed to the control room for ballasting operation.
Special Notes:
- K01, K02, K03, K04, HV001 valves are pre-adjusted and do not need to be adjusted during operation. Only open sampling and start EDU.
- Ballasting operations on this vessel can only be conducted with a single pump.
- When the ballast pump stops, EDU automatically stops. To restart the pump, EDU must be restarted first. Otherwise, PV001 valve cannot open automatically, and the ballast pump will remain idle.
- During operation, always promptly confirm with the deck whether the water intake is normal or confirm if PV001 opens automatically. It may get stuck if the air pressure is insufficient or if it remains idle for a long time.
- Sampling indicator during operation should be in the middle position and can be adjusted by pressure regulating valve.
- If control air is lost during operation, PV001 remains in its original position.
- For aft peak tank, only valve K05 needs to be opened. If pressure is high, open the sea valve for pressure relief as needed.
Drainage Operations:
- Determine which pump to use for drainage.
- Open control air. For draining ballast tanks and void spaces, open TRO2 for sampling. For draining aft peak tank, open TRO1 for sampling. Open the corresponding sampling valve.
- Open the corresponding neutralization unit valve. Default A unit for NO.1 pump for void space drainage and default B unit for NO.2 pump for aft peak tank drainage. Confirm the corresponding valves are open. Select the corresponding option on the control screen. Then start the ANU pump. For draining aft peak tank, select TRO1 for detection.
- Proceed to the control room for drainage operation, following the same steps as before. Use the fire pump for draining the aft peak tank.
Special Attention:
- During drainage, opening the seawater suction port of the ballast pump will trigger an alarm and the system will automatically stop. It needs to be restarted following the steps again. Although there will be an alarm during the drainage process of the ballast pump, it does not affect the drainage process. However, neutralization must be performed; otherwise, it is considered unauthorized operation. Perform neutralization with the ANU unit. The medication needs to be recalibrated almost every time drainage is performed. Follow the instructions for medication or perform medication based on sampling.
Freshwater Ballasting Process:
Before freshwater treatment, ensure there is enough seawater reserved in the APT. The seawater in the APT needs to pass through the AFU filter before entering the APT. Switch the corresponding valves before operation to ensure EDU accepts seawater from the APT rather than fresh water from the ballast manifold. Then proceed with the ballasting procedure. K21 is from the APT.
Required replenishment volume: Ballasting time (H) * 16m³ * 1.1 = Required seawater volume.