DESMI is with You for the Journey

From engine rooms to ballast water tanks, DESMI provides energy-efficient pumps and systems that keep your essential processes running smoothly on every type of ship worldwide.

DESMI is recognized for delivering reliable performance and low energy consumption, backed by global service to keep its products operating at their best.

  • Engine room (cooling, ballast, fire, bilge, and water circulation)
  • Liquid cargo handling
  • Decarbonization
  • Ballast water management
  • Fire safety
  • Energy reduction

Designed for efficient sailing

For many years, DESMI has led the way in creating important flow technologies for marine use. Its pumps and support systems make sure everything runs safely, reliably, and efficiently, even in tough conditions. They also help you improve your processes to save energy, reduce operating costs, and lessen the environmental impact of your vessel.

Optimization and long-term performance

DESMI products are easy to maintain for your crew. With our prepackaged spare part kits and individual parts, you can quickly find what you need for regular maintenance. Plus, our skilled DeServe service teams provide inspections, installation, and on-site support while your ship is in port or dry dock, helping you keep everything running smoothly over the long term.

Featured Products

DESMI Cargo pumps

Deepwell Cargo and Booster Pumps for Gas Carriers with a wide array of traits and features.

DESMI Engine Room Pumps

High-efficiency & Reliable Marine Pump Solutions. Thousands of DESMI pumps are at work on the seven seas, and these pumping solutions are living proof that our customers are satisfied with the performance of our products.

DESMI Scrubber Pumps

Market Leader at both Sea and Land. One component, in particular, needs to be carefully selected to ensure safe and efficient sulphur removal. The Pump!

Marine Applications

The natural choice for high-quality marine pumps and pumping solutions

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