Keep The Ocean Clean

Prevent Reduced Vessel Performance Due To Marine Fouling

Marine fouling in seawater cooling systems is a threat to the performance of ships and installations. Removal of marine growth in a ship’s seawater lines also leads to increased cost and delays during maintenance. To reduce this risk, MME Group developed the Marine Growth Prevention System (MGPS), also known as Impressed Current Anti Fouling (ICAF).

MGPS / ICAF systems use copper anodes that are connected to a compact control unit. An impressed current is sent to the anodes which releases a small amount of copper ions into the water flowing through the ship’s sea water system or seachests, creating an environment which prevents the settlement of micro-organisms. 

Advantages of Keeper MGPS / ICAF Systems

No Subscription Fees

Free log sheet service

Efficient functioning of your vessel's cooling water and firefighting systems

Easy to install during newbuilding or as retrofit

Easy to maintain due to automatic operation

System fault alarm indication via LEDs, LCD screen and Modbus protocol

Additional corrosion prevention

No need to handle hazardous chemicals (as opposed to dosing systems)

Several ranges to suit vessels of every size

Cost effective, elimination of pipework cleaning

Lower energy consumption than electrochlorination

Compatible with both open and closed cooling systems

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