Our marine growth prevention systems (MGPSs) for seawater pipework are easy and economical to install, and they can be found on more than 50,000 ships worldwide. Designed to eliminate blockages caused by barnacle and mussel growth in seawater cooling lines, the systems are available for vessels of every size including mini systems for luxury yachts.
For All Your Complicated MGPS Needs
Key Features
- Our systems are based on the electrolytic principle, providing continuous and reliable protection without chemicals
- A dual system that combines pipework antifouling with corrosion suppression
- A range of control panels and anodes is available for vessels of every size
- Every system is custom designed for its particular application, ensuring greater effectiveness
- Automatic operation means the system requires minimal attention, saving crew time
- Easy installation – anodes can be installed in sea chests or strainers, either during vessel construction or as a retrofit project.
- Environmentally friendly – does not involve the use of chlorine based chemicals or carcinogens.
- Approved by classification societies
New EU Biocide Regluations
As of September 2015, owners and operators of vessels sailing in European waters must ensure that their marine growth prevention systems comply with the EU Biocides Regulation 528/2012. Cathelco is one of the few companies listed under Article 95, the official register of approved active substance suppliers recognized by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). This makes installing genuine Cathelco equipment and anodes a safe way to ensure regulatory compliance.
Failure to use equipment from an authorized supplier may affect a ship’s Green Passport, leading to financial penalties and even imprisonment.